Tuesday 9 July 2013

E.L.F: Sunset Double Dot Dotticure

Hello all,

I have been pretty busy recently so there hasn't been too much time for blogging :-( Sad times.  I will have to dedicate some time to catch up properly with all my blog reading as I'm sure I'll have missed a load of great stuff.

Anyway, I have something very simple this week.  I started off with just a solid colour this week as I didn't really have time for anything else.  I chose E.L.F Sunset which is a really pretty pink.  This week however, I am painting nails at the charity fair for the students of the school that I work at, so I didn't think it would be right not to have any nail art.

Tonight I have livened up my mani with my double dots.  Just three down the middle of each nail.  I think I am all set to go for the fair tomorrow without having to start my nails all over again!  I hope that my nail painting will be popular to help the student raise money for their charities.



  1. ooh I like these! I'll have to try this pattern out :) I've followed you on pinterest! I'm new to it so I'm still learning my way around it lol



    1. Thanks Rachel! These dots are so simple, but give such a fun look!

      Pinterest is great! Be warned, you will become addicted!! I am! I'll find you on there too x
