Monday 16 December 2013

Christmas Present Nail Art

Hello all,

Continuing the Christmas theme I have cute present nails this week.  And what could possibly make a present better? That's right, glitter!


I used Models Own Sardonyx from the Velvet Goth collection for my base colour.  You need two coats of this as it's a little streaky first of all.  It dries with a matte finish which means that it dries really quickly which worked out well for me as it meant that when I came to doing the bows my base was nice a dry.  I always make a mess when I used red polishes for some reason and this was no exception, clean up was a little tricky as it's glitter, but it worked out ok in the end.

To create the bows and ribbons for my presents I used the Models Own WAH Nail nail art pen in gold.  This was perfect for it as you have the striper brush when you twist the lid, but then you have the pen if you pull the lid off.  I started with two lines creating an offset cross on each finger and then used the pen end to draw two loops and tassels of the bow.

I topped this off with Sally Hansen Ista-Dri top coat to add a nice shine.  I really love how this turned out and it reminds me of Cartier in New York at Christmas...

Cartier New York 2006
Here's a picture I took whilst I was there in December 2006


  1. They look really good and really easy design to draw - my left had is terrible with tricky designs! :S

  2. they are so pretty ! you are an expert girl !! I am terrible with designs :( would you like to follow each other on Bloglvoin :) have a Happy holidays ! xx

    1. Thank you so much! Comments like this make my day! These are much easier to do than they look x

  3. these are so cute and look really effective! x
