Monday 30 December 2013

Polish Party: Black and White - Mix and Match Nail Art

Hello all,

The end of the month is here again and that means it's Polish Party time!  This month's theme is Black and White.  I knew that I was going to do a mix and match design for this, but it was just a case of deciding what patterns and designs.


The black is Sally Hansen Midnight in New York, which has a really subtle shimmer, and the white is Models Own Snow White.  Here's a quick run through of what I went for when I took on the challenge this month.
  • Thumb - Checker board
  • Index Finger - Black with Barry M Confetti in Liquorice
  • Middle Finger - Double dot dotticure
  • Ring Finger - Half and half
  • Little Finger - Black with a white heart
None of these were difficult designs and I love all the patterns, unfortunately this was a disaster manicure though! My top coat was far too gloopy and did not dry.  I now have bubbles all over the white and hair imprinted into the polish.  You know when you go to bed and think it was dry enough... alas no... It just didn't dry :-( Sad times!  I had a feeling it was going to happen, so luckily I took my picture straight after finishing my design.  This means that my clean up was not quite as good as I would have liked, but still means I could share my design and join in with this month's Polish Party.

Lets hope the other girls didn't have a disaster like me... Take a look at their designs below 


  1. It looks good!

    It's quite amusing that everyone's being super critical with these posts!

    1. Thank you! I do like the design and was pleased with it overall, it was just so disappointing when I realised that it just wasn't going to dry! :-(
