Monday 17 March 2014

Barry M: Caramel with Dolly Mixture

Hello all,

This is just going to be a quick one today as this wasn't the manicure I had planned this week.  Just a note to you all, stamping with matte polish does not work!

After my ruined plans I decided to go for a fairly neutral combo as I was sulking a bit after my mini fail.  I used Caramel from the matte range for my base and topped it with Dolly Mixture from the Confetti range.


I really love the Confetti polishes as they add tiny flecks of colour to an otherwise plain manicure.  Dolly Mixture has a range of pastel flecks in it making it perfect for spring.  I used a glossy top coat over this which made my Caramel base slightly darker than it's true colour.  Overall I am not sure how I feel about this manicure.  I like it close up but from a distance it seems a bit lacking. Perhaps it's because it was a second choice, that I am not crazy about it, I don't know!  What do you think?


  1. I really like this, I like the nude underneath that confetti polish, looks really spring-like and nicer than using a black base. I've got a couple of confetti polishes but I've not used them as I wasn't sure how to make them look nice, but this has definitely inspired me :-) x

    1. I'm glad I gave you an idea! I used the blue one over the Barry M Blu Gelly as well which was beautiful! X

  2. Hey :) I've nominated you for a Liebster award. You can see the post here:

    I have a feeling you have already done it but I couldn't find the post. Just thought I'd nominate you anyway! :)

    1. Thanks hun! I've done it before, but it's always worth the nomination anyway. I really enjoyed reading yours - might answer your questions in a comment insted rather than doing it as a post :-)

      Mine is here
