Monday 16 February 2015

Teddy Bear Nail Art

Lately I've been a bit stuck in a rut with nail art designs, and I've been doing some quite similar things.  I thought it was about time that I changed that and did something a bit different.  I took a look back on some older designs that I had done to get some inspiration, and I came up with these cute teddy bear nails.


I really love doing cute character and animal designs and I realised that I haven't done any for a while.  You can see some of the ones that I have done in the past on this accent nail collage I did for a tag on Instagram including, Rudolph, Om-Nom, a monkey, a hedgehog, a bunny, a chick, and Frankenstein.


I decided on teddy bears because who doesn't love a cute cuddly teddy?  I started off with a neural base on my index, middle, and ring finger, and two coats of Caramel Matte Nail Paint from Barry M on my thumb and little finger. Then using Mushroom from Barry M I painted a large circle on the tip of my middle finger nail. Using a dotting tool, I added a two large dots for ears.  Then on the nails either side I added paw print shapes by adding one large circle and four small dots.  Once this had all dried I added in some details on the teddy's ears and paws with Caramel, and used Espresso, also from the Matte Nail Paints from Barry M to add a nose and two eyes.  Finally, I added some polka dots with Mushroom on to my thumb and little finger.

To add a glossy finish to my nails I added a thick coat of Sally Hansen Insta-Dri, so I didn't smudge my design.  I am so impressed with how glossy they look in the photo.

I already have some other ideas for different characters or animals I could try out next, so I am really pleased that I got out of my rut.  What do you do if/when this happens to you?

Thanks for stopping by
Aimée x


  1. omg this is super cute!!
    Hope you can follow me back :)
