Monday 6 April 2015

My Top Three Nail Colours

Posts like this are really difficult to write because how, out of my collection of 192 colours, can I just pick three?  I figure that if I use a colour a lot that it must be a favourite otherwise why would I keep reaching for it over and over?

I whittled down my choice to these three beauties, and tried to include something for everyone, and to suit most budgets.  Also, they are all great for spring.


First up at around £2.99 a bottle is Barry M Strawberry Ice Cream.  This is such a pretty and versatile colour.  It's an opaque pink that gives full coverage in two coats.


I love combining it with other colours as well as using it on it's own, and there are some other Barry M polishes that compliment and contrast with Strawberry Ice Cream perfectly.

Here is it used in some nail art...


Next on my list is Models Own Snow White at £5.00 a bottle.  I don't think I have ever used a whole bottle of nail polish, ever, before it's gone thick and gloopy, but I finished a bottle not so long ago and I am over half way through the replacement bottle.


I didn't used to be a fan of white nails, but they have grown on me and I always find myself adding white into my nail art.  I still don't think I would have a plain white mani as white can be very unforgiving and show up any small imperfections.

Here it is used in nail art...


Lastly I have China Glaze For Audrey.  It's a bit more difficult to get you hands on here in the UK, and is priced differently depending on where you get it from.  I love this colour, and actually have a lot of dupes for it as well (you can see one of them sneaking in above!).


This is the perfect Tiffany blue, which makes it brilliant for doing Tiffany nail art.

Here it is used in some nail art...


What do you think of my picks?  Do you have any of these or are you possibly thinking about adding any of these to your own collection?

And as a little bonus for you, if my top picks of colours aren't enough, how about my top choice of nail art - dots!


Which one do you like the most?

Thanks for stopping by
Aimée x


  1. great post, I love Models Own very much :)

    1. Thanks! I always things it's quite hard to pick colours to do a post like this, but wanted to do something a bit different. Models Own colours are just great x

  2. I love these kind of posts! For Audrey looks beautiful, I want to get it but I'm just trying to think if there's anything similar to it in my collection already (I'm trying to save money!). Great post x

    1. Thanks so much! For Audrey is stunning. I have a couple of dupes for it as well. Orly Gum Drop is a good one. I've seen them in Boots before and I think it was about £5 ish. You can see it on my Turquoise Stone post. More recently I have reviewed W7 Tiffany which is also a pretty good one and could be as little at £1.99 depending where you find it online! I'm sure there are probably others as well x
