It's Polish Party time again and this month's theme is chevrons. I have to say that this was not my favourite theme, as chevrons were not something that I had thought about doing before but I gave them a go. I guess I wont like every theme that we vote on, but it's all about the challenge and trying new things!
I chose to use three different shade of purple from Models Own to create my gradient of chevrons. I started with a base of Grape Juice from the Fruit Pastel collection, so my nails smell yummy. Once that was dry I then painted my first chevron using Lilac Dream from the Ice Cream Sundae collection. I created two lines in a point towards the tip of my nail. Once this was dry I finished of my design with Pukka Purple from the Ice Neon collection. It's really tricky to get a good picture of Pukka Purple, but this is pretty accurate!
Even though I am not a chevron fan I think these turned out ok. Have you done chevron nails before, drop me a link so I can take a look! I always look forward to seeing what the other Polish Party girls come up with, make sure you check them out below
February's Polish Party Participants:
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.